The creative process

In the last couple of months, I got a huge forward push in my creative process which at first made me question one of the key concept in Steven Pressfield’s book the War of Art : ‘RESISTANCE’ this force, like he calls it, that will show up in anything important to us, we want to pursue and will prevent us from doing it. In this questioning process, I started writing a post that went like that:

What if we misunderstood Resistance?! When things are aligned, they will be easy, it’s all about the right timing and the right idea, etc. but then I realized that first of all, I was doing the exact thing that used to trigger me so much when I heard people say: ‘no no I don’t experience Resistance, I just do stuff and it’s super easy’, when for me it often wasn’t. Which of course made me doubt a billion times if I shall even keep going!

And second of all that:

-       It’s actually the years of inner work meaning: releasing the blocks, the limiting beliefs, working energetically that made the Resistance start retreating, which ‘makes it easier’.

-       I created space for it -physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, energetically- (more on that in a few weeks/months) during eclipse season (March-April) and since then, my creativity is constantly whispering into my ears

-       and I actually reached out for the pen/paper, the phone, the laptop to write down/record what Creativity is telling me AND I get back to it to edit it (which I often wasn’t doing), choose how I will share it (text or audio) AND share it with you (which I also often wasn’t doing which resulted in a bunch of drafts on my desktop). That’s the part that made me want to write a new post about the topic because I already wrote blogposts about Resistance and Creating Space for our Creativity in the past but this part felt new for me. It was as if by writing/recording everything Creativity was sharing with me and then sharing it with you, it made her want to come back over and over again. Maybe that’s what Steven Pressfield means when he talks about the ‘Muse’. He says something along the lines: you have to show her that you are serious about your work, by sitting down every single day to do the work and only then, will she reward you. I wonder if she has always been here whispering things into my ears and I wasn’t able to hear her? Or if because I wasn’t writing things down, she thought I didn’t care and went on whispering into other ears?! It feels like a co-creation, I make her important and she blesses me by coming back. And this way the pressure is not on me which also creates space! In general in life when we co-create with the Universe, it takes the pressure off and we can start to relax!

-       After trying out so many different things I figured out that the creative process was the thing I wanted to follow and bathe in the most. So many times we think we want something when those wants come from conditioning and what we think we should want and then we wonder why we cannot seem to ‘make it’ or succeed or why it doesn’t fulfill us but it’s actually not meant to in the first place! So I think getting super honest with ourselves, trying out a bunch of different things and noticing how it makes us feel and pursuing the ‘right’ think for US is key.

-       And once I was clear about the above, I allowed myself to spend time doing the exact thing I loooooooove doing and stopped distracting myself with other things less satisfying or not satisfying at all, by saying NO a lot and also asking myself if I really wanted to do something before saying YES.

The place where I’m at right now where things shifted and feel easier, more in flow, where I know what to pursue and do it, feels so great that I wish the same for you if you are a fellow creative! Because this topic is so dear to me, I decided to offer Hypnotherapy more specifically to Creatives, to help them release whatever is in the way to expressing their Creativity!

So if you too want to start your creative project(s) or bathe into them with ease and flow, whatever the form, but somehow cannot seem to be able to do it, I’d love to hold the space for you! I have online 1:1 sessions available in June and an online workshop ‘Creating Space for what Matters’ on June 2nd.

Have a great start into the week and all the best for your creative projects!

Other blogposts on the topic:

Voicing our NOs

How to notice when Resistance sneaks into your creative projects and how to deal with it

Creating Space for Creativity

