It’s never too late to fulfill a dream!

With the New Year coming up, I’m sure you all wrote our intentions lists already! If you didn’t yet, there is still time to do so and of course you can still do it in January or anytime really! I find it a very inspiring time of the year though and make the most out of the dark days by going inwards, reviewing what has worked, what I’ve learnt this past year and focusing on next year’s goal(s). What got crystal clear on Christmas eve was to focus mainly on 1 big goal, instead of writing a billion bullet points as I usually do.

If you had to focus on THE thing you want to achieve/ do better/ do more of/ start next year, what would it be? 

Maybe you’ve had the same dream for years but it hasn’t happened yet, if that’s the case, then I hope the example below will inspire you to not give up! It certainly inspired me!

For years, my Mum’s dream has been to get a horse. When I look back she was manifesting all along: talking about her vision for hours on end at family dinners, putting pictures of horses on desktop & phone backgrounds, doing an online course about horses, etc.

This year she started going to a stable that got recommended to her by one of her co-worker. She really got along with the teacher there, started to take classes on a weekly basis and by taking classes had the opportunity to be with different horses. She fell in love with one of them but it was already sold to someone else, last minute though, the person changed his mind and my little (big) brother joined the fam, just like that!

Looking back now, it’s easy for me to see how everything was a process and happened perfectly and in perfect timing but to be honest there were times I thought that her dream would never be fulfilled because I thought she was not ‘pro-active’ enough. In my view, she ‘should’ have ‘done’ more, like look for classes, stables or whatever. I have to smile while I write that because a couple weeks ago a friend of mine told me the exact same thing about my career, that I ‘should’ be more ‘pro-active’, ‘do’ more (which didn’t really help). Life is a great mirror and it takes writing a blogpost to realize sometimes (often)!

Through her story, my Mum is teaching me -again - that everything is a process and that we cannot interfere with somebody’s pace cause we have no clue how it is to be them! And while people around us want the best for us, it’s important to not listen too much to what they have to say and instead to trust/know that we will get there at the perfect pace!

If you need help in the process of fulfilling THE dream, reach out! <3

Happy New Year! 


The holistic revolution


Life, this great mirror!